Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Just a little exercise

Friday, December 7, 2012

Winter 2012 - Keep in Touch!

Just a quick message to let all family members know that I will be using this blog to keep everyone in touch with the "Family who went West"!

It's easier on the eyes than Facebook (or Faceplant as I've taken to calling it), and we can avoid all the obnoxious suggestions and updates from people we don't even know. With access to this little blog, you'll be able to look up subjects and dates by tag, and view any pictures that are uploaded through Picasa, at any time.

I'll do a better job at creating quick posts and updates to keep it interesting. If anyone has comments or ideas, please add them to the relevant post, and let's keep in touch!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Two Highschoolers Walk Into A Bar...

...just kidding. But it really is that shocking to realize that the two tall blondies are now both in High School at Trillium Charter School!

Darian is now a Sophomore, and Erin is going in as a Freshman, or as she's commonly known...."Darian's sister". Let's see what happens! On the agenda for this year: camping trips out in the desert, chemistry class, some public speaking, the basics (yes, including advanced mathematics), and lots of computer literacy. 

Aunt Marcy's little pocket-Eric is entering his first year of Jr High as a 6th grader this year, and he's definitely ready for it. Spending time with the 3-4-5 combined grade levels has been interesting, but a bit overwhelming to the senses. Imagine Eric, looking like the jolly green giant in that classroom amid all the little faces!  It's been a ride, but it's time to get some structure, and settle into regular homework with the big kids. 

For those interested in the specifics of charter school education, and "why the heck did you take that route?", you can read more about the school's curriculum online. In addition to the traditional educational pursuits of math, science, literature, history, and the arts, Trillium Charter School kids are taught independent learning and critical thinking. Emphasis is placed on personal impact while going about the world, and a democratic structure where kids eventually turn into responsible, globally participating adults with a passion for independence and a strong sense of purpose. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Part of the Jr High curriculum focuses on urban planning, art/architecture/design, leadership, and community/environment. The High School begins to launch into field studies, job shadowing and focus on individual talent, and loads of community service. Darian will likely continue his work in the technology field, and might be able to land a little work study with the programmer at my office. Erin is still very interested in literally everything, but has started to take a defined interest in engineering and the architecture of structures. Eric has begun to show a very pointed interest in science of all types from biology (yay!) to astronomy and weather. He's a math brainiac, and is learning where he can put it to use!

This year, Eric will be involved not only in Jr High activities such as Outdoor School, but he will continue with his Jiu Jitsu training. His first tournament will be on September 29th, and he will be competing in the 110 lb range, as a white belt. I'm really proud of him, and am emphasizing the importance of participation and learning in this first competition. Winning isn't crucial at this stage. Ah yes, let your mind drift back to the years of gymnastics, volleyball, track, baseball, tap-dance lessons, etc...

This summer has been a great, yet slightly boring adventure, with the exception of a few fun events and visitors from afar. The annual CouchSurfing picnic was a magnificent blast, and the kids learned how to make huge bubbles, as seen to the left. Our friend Melody's head is also available for viewing, in the lower right corner of the photo, if you like. 

We missed our annual Irish invasion of The Scottish Ford Family Reunion (our adopta-big-sister/family). While I know that we had conflicting schedules that day, I'm going to continue to blame it on the lack of smoked salmon cheese ball that Catherine's brother Ralph makes each year. That being said, we'll be heading into Washougal/Camus area before winter arrives, for an invasive visit! That area of the country is so beautiful, it's always worth a drive.

Since grandparents are scattered around the country, and loved ones are "becoming too short" to easily hand down clothes, please send e-mails or letters of encouragement to the kids, reminding them that you're proud of them! Meanwhile, grandparents, if you'd like to send contributions toward school supplies, bus tickets and camping fees for this year, you can send a gift card (I have no idea what size these people have grown to), or you can use the Chip-In widget below. It's super easy, and will go strictly toward educational fees. 

Thanks everyone for your interest in the kids, and their incredible lives here in Oregon. (We have trees!)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Water Guns & Dinosaur Parties

This summer started off with the usual mix of boredom and lethargy, a new chore chart, and June birthdays. Erin entertained her crowd with a dinosaur birthday party for 14 year olds, and while the June babies all decided on a belated Old Testament costume party. I've never seen so many Moses'es in the same area...

This school year ended with Eric moving on up to the second story of the school building, as an official big kid! 6th grade is going to be a new challenge for him, but I'd say he's ready for it. He's been taking Jiu Jitsu classes at a gym here in Portland, and has been building his self-esteem in the process.

Erin has been working along through great ups, and small downs this summer, and I'm just going to attribute most of it to sheer boredom and a little beat-boxing. It's a good sign when kids prefer to be in school, than out! She's been having an adventuresome time though, talking online to her friends as they travel to Germany, Alaska, Spain, Canada, Oklahoma, and other foreign lands.

Darian has been taking swimming lessons. How does he do that with all his hair you ask? I really don't know, either. But he, and his girlfriend Curran have been learning lots of things, such as lung capacity and sunscreen usage. So he hops on his vintage British bike everyday, and heads to the neighborhood pool for another lesson in less-drowning. Darian turns out to be very handy in the kitchen too, and likes to make all kinds of savory dishes that I can't eat. He's also learning Korean, just for kicks.

Summer is mainly filled so far with "What's for lunch, mom?" coming at me via Google chat while I'm at the office, and epic neighborhood battles with the available water containing artillery, likely involving the 4 year old next door, and a few chickens. Pedro highly disapproves of this behavior, but there's probably nothing he can do about it as a cat.

Our friends are healthy, and our loved ones are quite good looking. Until next time!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Spring 2012

With so many things going on lately (a possible Bike Move in July, getting a new garden started, Eric just started Jiu Jitsu, school camp-outs in May, etc.) I'm just going to post this link to the kid's school newsletter, so you can see what they're all up to now, and very soon. And maybe even feel a little jealous that you're not in Jr high anymore.  

Something I really want to focus on though, is that Erin is involved in yet another play production. This one is called Bugsy Malone - you may have heard of it!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bee Local Kickstarter

What is Bee Local?
Bee Local is micro-batch honey produced in urban neighborhood varieties. Like wine, honey from each neighborhood has its own taste profile. Bee Local is dedicated to producing healthy, pollen rich honey using sustainable techniques and educating the public about how important honeybees are. This is not your average honey.

Why is Bee Local different?
Honeybees typically forage for nectar within a 4-mile radius. The honey they produce in each geographic location has flavors, textures and complexity that are completely unique to that location. Honey from one neighborhood tastes completely different than honey from another.
The result is small artisan micro-batch honeys that directly reflect the unique characteristics of each neighborhood. For example Bee Local currently has 4 varieties from 4 different Portland neighborhoods: Mt. Tabor, Brooklyn, Powellhurst, and Laurelhurst.

Beyond Honey
By placing hives in varied locations we are increasing the productivity of our cities gardens, increasing awareness of the importance of the honeybee, our relationship to the land around us, and utilizing previously unused urban spaces for food production. This process begins a conversation about sustainability and the current challenges that the selfless honeybee is facing.
People begin to see the connection between our environment and food sources. They love the idea that their flowers, gardens, and trees are contributing directly to the flavor of the honey. Our communities begin to take an increased stewardship of the land around them.

Bee the Change
Funding this project will allow Bee Local to expand into several different cities, purchase critical beekeeping equipment, help to educate our communities about the plight of the honeybee and provide healthy honey for consumption.

** All this text here, is directly from the original Bee Local Kickstarter page.
Furthermore, Damian rocks!

Monday, January 9, 2012

When arms float on their own!

In this episode, we see Eric helping his younger school mates with a project on muscles and how they are affected by fatigue. This is all part of a comprehensive school study on the body and all it's interesting functions. Remember that?

As the kids go through different projects, they have to enter their discoveries in their composition books, and include a detailed drawing and written description of the experiment, their observations, and their predictions or inferences.

This project is definitely bringing home lots of, "Mom. I bet you didn't know..."

It's best to just agree and admit that I don't know, because I probably can't remember anyhow.  (Mom, am I doing it right?)

As a side note, Eric has gotten so tall!!  And doesn't he serve as a great distraction while counting down the seconds?